Radhekrishna! With the blessings of the current Peetathipathi at Thennangur Ashram, India -‐ Swami Niranjanananda Giri, Gnanananda Seva Samajam Inc. is inviting everyone to attend Namacha Bazaar -‐ a series of Sampradaya Bhajans. Celebrating it's first annual inauguration, we are humbled by the grace of Swami to complete a successful 2012 Namasankeerthanam Mela and to initiate Namacha Bazaar. Saint Balakdas sang Namacha Bazaar, a Marati Abhang saying that in this Bazaar, the product bought and sold is nothing but Nama Ruchi, singing the hyms of the Lord. The Lord says -‐ when I sing and give you Nama Ruchi and you sing and give it back to me, you transcend crores of Jenmas/Births.
Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita: Among the trees I am the Banyan Tree, among the sages I am Narada, among the twelve months in a year, I am Margazhi (month of December). “mAsAnAm mArgasirso ‘ham” [Chapter 10]; this is the most sacred month where the mind and soul should focus only on the Lord. Radhekrishna -‐ The year 2012 was very tough for all of us and our near and dear's. To name a few we had natural disasters, storms that ripped roof tops, displaced families and mindless killing of innocent school children. All of us wanted to wind down the year and pray to the almighty to bless us with a peaceful and prosperous new year. Our esteemed Guruji defined how a prayer should be done. He had said that every human in this world, depending on his/her varnashramam, perform thier daily anustanams and then either in thier home or temple or mandap should sit down and perform Nama Sankeertanam. While performing Nama sankeertanam, it is preferred to do it in a group setting. He said that Nama sankeertanam was the easiest route in Kali Yuga for one to pray to the almighty and get his blessings. GSS USA Inc had arranged for the Namachaar Bazaar to help with this prayer setting and each and every one who had particpated in the bhajan sessions had an opportunity to experience this & follow Guruji's diction. It all started at Rakesh/Meena's residence on Thursday (Dec 28th) with paduka pooja's of the pontiff's of Thennagur and tapovanam. The moon was in its full version up on the sky and considered to be the longest night in a year. It is said that on this day Lord Shiva manifest himself in Natraja's avatar and performs his cosmic dance and bless his devotees. Indeed, Lord Shiva danced to the tunes of Nama Sankeertana mela fame "California Sri Gurunathan bhagavatar" with able assistance from Harmonium Karthik from Arizona and Sri Vijay Ganesh, Sri Sowmiya Narayan on the percussion. The extraordinary start of the Namachaar Bazaar followed on with singing all the 24 Ashtabathi's coupled with unique namavali's on the following day at Sri Balajee/Hamsa's residence. The new residence with nice interiors was actually sitting on a small hill top with a valley setting on the backside. We had a small snow fall earlier in the morning that covered the grass around the house with an inch or two of snow. This gave an kailash setting and the bhagavatar team performed a marathon 7 hr session with an ample variety of guru kirtanams followed by Ashtabathis. The bhagavar team was ably assisted by Sri Karthick on harmonium + Virginia Sri Jayanth/Sri Sowmi Narayan/ Sri Vijay Ganesh on Mirudangam and Sri Ram on Tabla. Can anybody stop this momentum? The next day, Sunday, we had two more bhajan sessions at Sri Ramki/ Latha's residence in the morning and Sriram/Indu's in the evening. There was couple of hours inbetween and Durga Temple wanted to host Sampradaya bhajan's at thier temple. Although a little tired with the travel and the cold weather, The bhagavata team did not show any of their fatigue and continued to render the best bhajans for the devotees. The next day morning, we were all assembled at Sri VijayaKumar/Sujatha's residence at Rockville, Maryland for another awesome sampradaya bhajan session. Sri Guru bhagavatar and his team rendered a nice ensemble of devata dyanangal after the thotaka mangalam/Guru Kirtanams. The team then drove to Rajdhani mandir, Virgina for another session and came back to Guruji Illam Sri Ravi/ Daya Lalitha's residence for an new year's eve Abhanga Divyanamam. It so hapenned that the priest at the Rajdhani mandir was so impressed with the bhajans that they decided to come and join the divyanamam. Sri Guru bhagavatar and team presented a nice varierty of Marati Abhangs and namavali's. the devotees were led by Srimathi Daya Ravi danced around the Guru paduka's and Sri Vittal Rukmani's idol to the tune of the abhangs and namavali's. the divyanaman started a few minutes after the birth of the New Year. All the devotees gathered around began the new year with reciting the nama's of thier favourite gods and what better can they ask for. Devotees wished one another a very happy new year and went back to thier homes to get some rest. They all came back next day morning at the Murugan Temple of North America for an hour of Sampradaya bhajans. This led the bhajan team to thier final event of the Namachaar Bazaar which is the dolotsavam at Sri Raghavendar Bhatni's residence in Washington DC. What a way to bring a conclusion to the Namachaar bazaar, although the nama's in the devotees ear's & mind are still ringing and will continue through the year 2013. All this is not possible without the selfless services of Sri Ravi Radhakrishnan and Srimati Daya Lalitha Ravi. They had spent months/weeks/night planning and putting this event together. If i say a "big thanks" to them, they would decline to accept that. they would say it is the blessings of the Guru's that made all this happen. But still, thier hard work and planning was evident in the flawless manner in which the namachaar bazaar was conducted. We all should pray to the Guru's to give long life and happiness to the Ravi's, so that they can continue thier services to the lord. In addition, we all have to thank Sri Guru Bhagavatar & Sri Karthik & Srimathi Uma Murali who spared thier time, travelled with family all the way from California/Canada and shared thier experiences, the bhajans that they had learnt from thier guru's, and helped the devotees to take a piligrimage from Greater metropolitan area near Washington DC to Pandarpur through the Namachaar bazaar's. Let us pray for a healthy and prosperous year ahead for these good souls. I would like to thank all the local artists who performed at the event. Without your support, this would not have been a sucess. Once again, i would like thank all the hosts who were so gracious with thier warmth admist this cold weather and the sumptuous prasadams. Sevi ku bhagavathamum. vaitrukku ku bhagavatha prasadam alitha ungalathu bhagavatha sevai valarnthu onguga. !!! Portions of the event are available for viewing at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/gss-‐bhajanothsavam Please await for more pictures and videos tol be uploaded to Youtube. Radhekrishna. Radhekrishna! Girish and myself have only one word to say "Super", especially to Guru, Karthik, and our local artists. We wish you all a very happy and prosperous New 2013, full of new promises and adventures with family and friends. Radhekrishna to all! Wishing you a Great year filled with more and more Sathsangams!!! Well, a great report by our Hari walking us once more through Namachar Bazaar. Appreciate the updates with all the little details in it. Yes, it was truly a blessing for all of us here to attend such a series of Bhajans filling our hearts with Nama Ruchi. Once it is tasted by us it is truly intoxicating that we are addicted/ imbued to it. We can only say -‐ our humble pranams to the lotus feet of our GuruMaharaj who made all this possible right at our doors in DC. ''Radhekrishna'' to our Guru and Karthick along with our GSS members to make this happen in this part of the Globe. We never say '' Thanks'' in our G family. Hence one word which covers everything from our heart is RADHEKRISHNA. Having come here to US more than 2 decades ago, I always missed our Marghazi bhajans in Chennai (Veedhi Bhajans around kapaaleeshwarar temple, then Bhajans by Guruji at Krishna Gana Sabha, all those 10 days starting in the morning at 7.30am and culminating with Radhakalyanam on New Year's Day at Naradha Gana Sabha. I couldn't believe all these really happened here in the US, culminating with Dolotsavam at Batniji's home. It all began from last year's Divyanamam Bhajans at JSS temple on New years Eve. We didn't visualize this last year it will be a more bigger one as Namacha Bazaar. Yes, it has all happened and is happening truly 100% by HIS sheer Grace. With this December we are officially one year old, after incorporating GSS, Inc. successfully conducting major public programs apart from the big one -‐ Mela 2012.
With all your continued support and efforts, I am sure one day we (GSS, Inc USA) will travel across the globe spreading and filling many many hearts into this Nama Sankeerthanam and Nama Ruchi as well like many other Bhagavathars. I seek the Blessings of our GURUS to make this happen. Wishing you all Once again a great and a peaceful year filling your calendars with fond and beautiful memories in your minds and hearts. Radhekrishna! Dear Guru, All the programs were just outstanding – especially the new year one at Daya and Ravi's place. You literally took us to Pandarpur. This was a memorable experience for me. Your Brindhavana Saranga is still ringing in my ears! When you are here next time, please visit us and stay with us at least for a day or two. We'd like to host the program at least for one evening. Dear Karthik, So much to learn from you. Enjoyed the opportunity to join you. Hope we get to play together more. We feel blessed to be part of the GSS Family, and to get soaked in this divine event. Happy New Year to everyone. Happy New year to all !! We were also blessed to be part of the GSS Family. Many Many thanks to Daya and Ravi for organizing these events. It takes a lot of personal time and planning to organize them. I am sure the couple will get showers of blessings from both the Gurus and God for taking up this huge effort and making it happen !! Dear Daya-‐Akka and Ravi-‐ji:Dear Respected Musicians: And To Our GSS-‐Family: rAdhE kriShNa !! namaskaaram-‐s. We are truly very very blessed and fortunate to be a part of the GSS Family. We sincerely thank you all for attending and conducting the deeply moving DOlOtsavam in our home on January 1st Evening. Still -‐ those hours of joyous bliss of hearing and experiencing the singing and ceremony are filling my mind, heart, and eyes -‐ particularly -‐ when they sang/played "niila ghana niila jO jO" -‐ the composition of our affectionately revered Shrii Shrii-‐Paada-‐Raaja (who has the pen-‐name/ankita of 'ranga-‐viTThala) -‐ who was also present there in the form of His mruttikaa-‐vrindaavana). Each and every song rendered with such utmost devotion -‐ was most beautifully and exquisitely sung and played (on harmonium and mrudangam). It was indeed highly intellectually stimulating - ‐ for -‐ we did not know what intricate nuance or sangati or jati would come-‐up next from our ever creative and imaginatively gifted Artists. It was truly a Karnatic-‐Music treat to hear their music. I offer my deepest reverences/respects to our gifted and dedicated Musicians. Through their music, we experienced and realized what is meant by the term: "naada-‐brahma". As Lord ViTThala stood there - ‐ His divine grace and essense (brahma) was manifest all around us - ‐ in the auspicious sounds (naada) created by our musicians and all participating singers/devotees. "swara-‐raga-‐sudhaa-‐rasa-‐yuta-‐bhakti, swarga-‐apavargamu-‐raa". Truly -‐ the DOlOtsavam at our home is an evening that I'll never forget. Thank you... Thank you... Thank you.... It was such a great way to start the New Year We thank each and every devotee who came to our home to participate. Thank you..... I further offer my deepest respects and gratitude to Daya-‐Akka and Ravi-‐ji -‐ for bringing all of this into our lives. Having grown-‐up in USA since age of 7 and having spent those first 7 years in Baroda, Gujuraat before migrating to USA -‐ I have never experienced naama-‐sankiirtanam nor bhaagavata-‐mELa before elsewhere. I'm very fortunate to experience this joy here in USA -‐ in my own area and in our own home as well. All of this bhaagyam - ‐ is due to your efforts, Daya-‐Akka and Ravi-‐ji. Thank you.... I offer my heartfelt reverence/namaskaaram-‐s to our Naama-‐Sankiirtana-‐Guru-‐s -‐ who are so kind in benevolently gracing us in this way -‐ of -‐ singing the Lord's Praises in so many endearing songs encompassing "all" composers, languages, and modes-‐of-‐devotion. Daya and Ravi Radhekrishna -‐ Happy New Year. Tardy Thank you for doing this and uploading the video for Namacha Bazaar ( brought back golden memories of our trip to Pandharpur with Guruji) . I hope I will be lucky enough to attend next year. The picture and video's clearly indicate how festive, colorful, energetic, divine, and blissful the 5 days were.. Guru's presence and voice made the transition from 2012 to 2012 a true celebration... for all of us ! Living in the US this was the 1st -‐ hence an unprecedented event... Looking fwd to the labor day or july4th weekend program/mela ! Excellent team work by all the volunteers to make this a grand success ! RK and JGD Rk Ravi and Daya, What a way to welcome the new year and great stuff. Its nice to see the great momentum and enthusiasm for bhajans. Well done. Evidently, the Satsang activities under the banner of GSSUS have gathered momentum. The last year, 2012, must have been very eventful and successful. We pray that this be the precursor for many more and increased Satsang programmes in the years to come. All the credit for this effort must rightly go to Ravi and Daya. God willing we would also become part of the celebrations sometime in the not too distant future. Deepest love and Radhe Krishna Anandashram 2012 Namasankeerthanam Mela Reviews Radhekrishna! With the ever-flowing grace of Swami, Guruji, & Namaji, the 2012 Namasankeerthanam Mela held at JSS Spiritual Mission in Maryland on October 6th & 7th was a GRAND SUCCESS. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuduOYCzL6Y_1Ku9I3Bj0tQ06gHeyoECI&feature=em- share_playlist_user The seeds of this Mela were sown at the instance of our current Peetathipathi of Gnanananda Giri Peetam in Thennangur, Pujyasri Niranjanananda Giri Swamigal about two years ago. Gnanananda Seva Samajam Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit organization with his blessings and the wheels were set rolling for the preparation of the Namasankeerthana Mela. Numerous volunteers of our Samajam and several community members of the Washington Metro Area joined hands along with other organizations like Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Seva foundation, Sri Sathya Sai foundation , Chinmaya Mission, AVG Veda Group, etc. to make this event a Grand success. JSS spiritual mission was gracious enough to permit us to perform the Mela in their premises. The Mela began with Ganapathi Homam on Saturday October 6th 2012 which was ably coordinated and conducted by priests Venkatraman Sastrigal & Bhaskar Sastrigal. Priest Muralidhar Bhatt, and Priest Satyanarayana Marate. During Radha Kalyanam, all five priests from SBAT participated and performed the Mangalya Dharanam. True to the words of Sri Adhi Shankara who said “Guror angri padhmey thatha kim , thatha kim”, there is nothing more sacred than the lotus feet of the Guru . For the very first time in History, seven (7) Guru Padukas adorned the stage and controlled the smooth flow of the Mela events including Swami Gnanananda Giri, Swami Haridoss Giri, Kanchi Maha Periva (2 from Maryland), Sri Sringeri Maha Sannidhanam, Swami Sathya Sai Baba from Maryland and Canada). It was a blissful sight to see the Abhishekams of all the Peetadhi Pathi's. The priests performed the Paduka Poojas. Along with the priests, Sri. Gopi and Sri. Ramani took care of all Pooja preparation work and Aarathis. Following Ganapathy Homam, the Mela continued with Thotaka Mangalam, Guru Keerthanais and Guru Abhangs. Twenty one Ashtapathis were completed followed by Panchapathis. This was followed in the evening by Pooja. Devathi Dyanam was performed by SAI group. Day 1 culminated with Divyanamam. Radha Kalyanam was performed on Day 2. Every single person who attended the Mela had mainly one thing to say - "We are very blessed to be in such a divine atmosphere for 2 full days with extra-ordinary bhajans we've never witnessed in the US". The Celestial Wedding Reception Bhajans hosted by various members from different organizations including the SAI Group, Ananthiji's AVG Veda Group, Chinmaya Mission, Natraj School of Indian Dance Students, GSS Children, Satsangham Children, GSS Shruthi's Hari Katha, etc. were all another divine experience. Abhangs from Suchitra from India was a feather on the cap, culminating the event right before Dolotsavam & Anjaneyar Utsavam (by Nagaraj Mama) when everyone started dancing to her melodious rhythms. For Annadhanam, several organizations came forward to help including Sai Group, Chinmaya Mission, Natraj School of Indian Dance, and Ramah Muralidharan. Gnanananda Seva Samajam took care of the Kalyanam Meal on Sunday afternoon. We thank all the Bhagavathas & Instrumentalists who performed during the Mela, including GSS Guru from California, NY Nagaraj mama, Venkateswaran, & Sridhar, Florida Madhu, NJ Swami, Sundaram, & Mahalingam, Pennsylvania Vijay Shriram, Harmonium Radhakrishnan from NJ, GSS Harmonium Karthik from Phoenix, Atlanta Guruswamy and NJ Sridhar on the Miridangam, and from our community – Miridangam Vijay Ganesh, Balajee, Sowmi, Srikhar, Jayanth, and several others from our area. Without support from various community members of the Washington Metro Area, this Mela could not have happened. The Mela could not have been a success without a powerful MIC system. Venkatachalam & Ramarao did the best thing and hired a great guy Bill Judd who set up and monitored the MIC system tirelessly for 2 full days. Groceries were donated by various Indian Stores including Food World, Dana Bazaar, India Bazaar, Patel Brothers, Ganesh Groceries etc., various other items like Food Area Divider (from Partyland Flowers and Event Decor), Tables, Chairs, and various food-related items (from Alex & Esther) were donated. George Kumar did an excellent job taking care of all our electrical needs, besides volunteering for various tasks with Divakar. UMD Students along with young school volunteers, did a terrific job handling the most strenuous task - Car Parking!! There are many others who silently volunteered and served the Divine Wedding. We have not mentioned their names but we are all ever thankful to them. May the Gurus and Lord Krishna bless them and their families. The seeds for a Namasankeerthanam Mela have been sowed in the US. It will spread across the country and will continue year after year. I am sure all are ready for the next 2013 MELA Radhekrishna! Gnanananda Seva Samajam Inc. www.gssus.org www.gnananandasevasamajam.org Dear Members, It is a great privilege to let you all know through this mail that the Bhagavatha Mela conducted by our sister organization Gnanananda Seva Samajam, USA was a tremendous success on 6th and 7th October 2012. This was the first ever Mela for Namasankeerthanam in USA. With the ever flowing grace of our Gurunatha's, the mela conducted in JSS Spiritual Mission, Washington USA was a first of its kind in USA. It will not be wrong to say that what Cleveland is to Sangeetham, Washington is to Namasankeerthan. I profusely thank all GSS members for organizing such an event and may God bless each and everyone and their family all success and peace. I had the opportunity to be present for the Mela which was conducted with great fanfare, not to forget without compromising on the spiritual content. In this many years of existence, I have not seen a function starting with a Ganapathy Homam followed by Pada Pooja for not one but 6 padukas of great spiritual Masters viz., His Holiness Gnanananda Swamigal, Guruji, Maha Periyavaa, His Holiness Jayendra Saraswathi, Maha Sannidanam and Puttapurthi Satya Sai Baba. The pada poojas were conducted in a traditional vedic manner with Abishekam, Archanai, Neivedyam and Mangala Aarthi. As you know it was a full two day event and the pada pooja was followed by Sampradaya Bhajan led by GSS members along with Bhagavathars from various states of USA. It was nice of Buffalo Nagaraja Bhagavathar to lead from the front. I understand Nagaraja Bhagavathar has been conducting Radha Kalyanam in USA and Canada for over 30 years. He has all the qualifications and it was apt that he was honoured to take the Pancha Muka Deepam for Divya Namam and lead the Unchavrithi the next day. The Ashtapadi's were sung by the Bhagavathas with each charanam alternatively sung by Male and Female Bhagavathas. To mention a few, Guru from California, Madhu from Florida, Narayanan and Ramkumar from Washington, New Jersey Swaminathan and Sundaram along with Bombay Thangam Mami's daughter and daughter in law, Mrs Nagarjan and Mrs Hari and Florida Mrs Vidya was a treat to watch and listen. They were ably supported by Phoenix Karthik (Harmonium), Vijay (Mridangam) and host of other accompanists on violin, Tabla and Dolki. On Sunday, after the Unchavrithi and Pada Poojas, the Radha Kalyanam was conducted with Vedic Pandits from Washington DC area honouring GSS by volunteering to do the Mangalya Dharanam for the Radha Krishna deities. Sai Group, Chinmaya Group and Suchitra (the great Kamala Murthy, Harikatha exponent) performed during the mela. The highlight being a Harikatha kalashepam by a young US born and bred girl Shruti which was a jewel in the crown. Before concluding with the customary Dolothsavam, Veda Parayanam for an hour by Ananth School of Vedic Studies, Virgina metamorphed the venue with divine vibrations. Last but not the least, throughout the two days, annadhanam was performed and I have to thank all those who contributed to the success of the event not to mention the volunteers who made this event a grand success. May the Gurunathaal bless GSS to conduct this event over the labour day weekend every year so that everyone is able to plan and participate well in advance. Radhekrishna, G.A. Trust Chennai Radhe Krishna, Ram Krishna Hari Daya & Ravi, Kishore & Sneha, Thank you for the wonderful time we had at the mela. It was so energizing and rejuvenating. Bragatha Mami, Sudha & Raj Narayan, Swarna & Kailasam were all saying the same. I know you all would be worn out now, hence I am just sending you this email. Shall talk leisurely. Daya, I really enjoyed your Blissful Divine Dance. I missed Sneha's. Guess I was on the other side talking with that little Shruthi's (harikatha) Ram Krishna Hari, FLORIDA Dear Ravi and Dya, 'Radhe Krishna' The Mela was conducted by both of you and all your friends very well. We could imagine how much effort and planning you would have done to make this programme a great success. All the praises go to you all and in particular to you both. In that effort, we could also give our small part. Excellent, Great and nice job. May God give you all the Happiness, Good Health, Prosperity, Long Life and Wealth. Personally we would like to thank you for the courtesy, Hospitality extended to all of us. Your son Kishore, and daughter Sneha Share the praises along with you. Any amount of praise is not sufficient. Once again we thank you for the opportunity given to us. On behalf of my wife, Sri Mahalingam and Swamy and myself, I send this email to you. May God Bless You Bothand your family. Regards from all of us. Radhe Krishna. (New Jersey) Hi Daya and Ravi, Thanks so much for giving us an opportunity to volunteer.It was a great experience and a very well organized event.The 2 days we spent at JSS will be etched in our memories forever. Hare Krsna Ravi & Dhaya, Thank you very much to engage me in the wonderful satsang. English is not the best language to express my feelings. The entire function was excellent. Especially Daya's abinayam during the kirtan was really top class. You both are occupied good amount of space in my heart because I came to play mirdangam but you gave me the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna with me. I sincerely pray that you both will not come back to the earth and attain the purpose of your life to go back to the Spiritual world. Keep up your enthusiastic namasankirtanam and if Krsna willing year after year I will participate. If you have any website to watch the program, please let me know. Note: Please email the contract phone# and email id of Madhu, FL. Atlanta Good Monday morning every one.. First: Kudos to Ravi and Daya and family. Great effort very well planned and executed.. Now we know what happens every year at the dawn of fall weather!! Well done every one... Second: Thanks so much for providing me with a chance to help on this grand event. As always it was a pleasure ThirdL Special thanks to Geetha, Murali, Manju and Ananth..and Jayaram.. Great team that i was blessed to know and enjoy working with!! Fourth: Thanks to Sundar and Chitra for giving their facility.. without which, the food production could not have happend so successfully!! excellent people.. Thanks once again. and Ravi and Daya we are looking forward for a team get together plus nice food soon at your house! Dear Ravi & Daya: Congrats to both of you, your family members & extended family members of all the volunteers. We had some idea when my brother & Vidya's brother used to tell us about Radha Kalyanam Bhajan Mahotsavam in India. But we had no clue that its this magnificent! Words just simply cant express the way in which both of you, Murali & Uma from Canada & so many other volunteers worked so hard to have it at such a grand style! We should thank Lord Krishna, all Acharyas & Gurus & both of you for not only just giving us an opportunity to attend but also made us as Sampandhi & that too as Lord Krishna's parents! Wow, you just made us to feel that as a Divine Dream! We've been enjoying the photos & videos to cherish the memory. It was very nice seeing all your family members & other friends after a long time. Vidya & I only just briefed Krupa who saw only some pictures on Sat & Sun. Krupa is so eager to see all the photos & videos tonight itself, as soon as both Vidya & Krupa come back from Yoga class. Thanks again for giving us a Golden Opportunity. We Pray to the Almighty & Acharyaas to shower all the best on you, your families & all your extended family of volunteers. A Himalayan task very well done! Daya has been sending emails regularly for all broadcast emails & please continue to keep us on your mailing list. Best regards New York Dear Daya and Ravi, Kudos to both of you for organizing a fantastic event, with Krishna's blessings. We're glad to have been part of the event and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Hari OM! Dayaji and Raviji, It was an excellent program and we all are blessed that we were part of the celebrations. Dear Daya & Ravi & all GSS volunteers: Congratulations for a superb show! We are relishing the sweet memories we gad just about a week ago this time. It was a great Divine Blessing & experience to all of us. You two should steer up this across USA at least twice a year on one corner or other, RADHA KRISHNA & GURUJIS willing! Thank you for giving us all an opportunity to take part & watch also. A very good job superbly done! Radhe Krishna, With the ever flowing & all pervading grace of our Gurus, the event was indeed a fantastic one!! Thanks a lot for sharing videos of this grand function, even though we could not be a part of this, these videos made us feel as if we were actually present there. Great to see some familiar faces too!! I am sure that with the blessings of our Swami, Guruji, Namaji & Swamiji, we would continue to see even greater things from GSS Inc. Thanks a lot once again. Dear Ravi sir, It was a great moment for me to attend the mela the entire Sunday and half of Saturday. Guru is an excellent singer. I missed Ram's (Rangamaa) on Saturday. Radhe Krishna A laudable effort. 'Gnananandham plant' at USA has started flowering. With Guruji's Grace it would start bearing many fruits to be enjoyed by all Gnananandam family. A LOUD RADHE KRISHNA TO ALL GSS members there. Sri Guruji song "Kaimaaru Enna Saiven nin karunaikku Kaimaaru enna saiven" on his Gurunathar. Now we pray to our Guruji similarly for having made us a small minute tool under his wings in singing the glory of the Lord by way of Namasankeerthan. It was in the year 1971 when about 25 people from Mumbai visited Thapovanam (more than 70% of the member, including myself, were the first time visitor to Thapovanam). We were with Gurunathar for about a week when Sri Guruji was also with us. Before taking leave from Gurunathar, Sri Guruji said to Raju Anna to seek Swami's permission and blessings for the annual Bhakta Vijayam programme at Mumbai between October and December 1971. Swami blessed and said to a devotee "Aamam. Kodi enge - kondu vaa". Immediately, the devotee ran and brought a Flag with "OM" embroidered in it. Swami gave the flag to Raja Anna and said "Naamasankeerthanam Olagengum Parappa venduvom - OM". I recollect that scene today after seeing the mail from Smt.Radha Seth. Radhekrishna. Mumbai Mandali By Gods Grace and Gurus' blessings with all the volunteers help, the First Namasankeethanam Mela was successfully conducted. Thanks to Daya & Ravi for taking the lead. Thanks to all the volunteers who made the event successful. We could feel the devine presence in the hall. The music was fantastic. Many groups participated in the event. The food was delicious. on the whole it was a very enjoyable experience. I am sure that in the upcoming years the Namasankeerthanam will expand more and the event will be conducted in a bigger sacle. Thanks to all the vendors who donated the materials. Special thanks to our younger genration who took care of the parking in the wind, cold and rain. Are you ready for the next Namasankeerthana Mela It clearly was an uplifting event conducted with passion. Kudos to Daya and Ravi's enthusiasm in taking the primary responsibility and seeing it through. With the ever flowing & all pervading grace of our Gurus, the event was indeed a fantastic one!! I am sure that with the blessings of our Swami, Guruji, Namaji & Swamiji, we would continue to see even greater things from GSS Inc. Indeed it was amazing Shruthi's Harikatha was like icing on the cake among all the children's event. She was praised by many of them. A blessed child and indeed you must be proud parents for instilling divinty and spiritualism through music. May the Lord bless her with more and more fame and success. We are all very proud of her. Radhe krishna I would like to congratulate you on the grand success of the mela. Though we were not able to participate the first day we enjoyed the celestial wedding on day two. Thank you so much for giving the opportunity to experience this kalyanam. I would like to thank you for giving Sruthi the opportunity to present the harikatha on that day. I pray to god that this event continues for many more years to come giving the kids an opportunity to participate and enjoy the occasion like we did when we were kids Yes, we read the report in MARGABANDHU and enjoyed it. The very thought of being a part of the large family of Swami itself gives us tremendous joy and energy. May He keep us always in His fold and bless us with the intensity to serve Him in His many forms. Radhe Krishna Hari Om Sri Ravi and Smt Daya, Very glad to see the article in Margabandu magazine about the Nama Sankeerthana Mela. With Guru Kataaksham, the Bhajan Mela is still ringing in our ears. Very happy to note that Sri Gurunathan will be there during Christmas holidays conducting Bhajan sessions. Radhe Krishna ! Attached is an article of the October 2012 Namasankeerthanam Mela in the monthly magazine 'Margabandu' published by GA Trust in S.India. Brings reminiscences of the Divine event that was accomplished by so many of You who worked tirelessly in the name of Swami and Swami only, with Service to the community as the one and only goal in mind to inculcate Nama Ruchi in the minds of everyone young and old, who worked silently without any Expectations for self-‐service, self-‐growth, personal renditions for name and fame and what is in there for 'me'. That is what Swami says and expects from each one of us -‐ to think of Him, to sing in His praise to learn the Self, because the moment we identify our Self via Community Service, Prayers, and/or Namasakeerthanam with devotion/bhakthi without expectations, we identify our oneness with the Supreme. Swami also says -‐ on the other hand, the moment we have Expectations of any sort, it boils our self to cascading destruction of our own peace of mind to begin with. Radhekrishna!
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